Sunday, June 17, 2012

My Story For My Future With My Lover Rohannah :)

Famely :)

How blessed I am that you are in my life Not a day goes by when I do not think of you You make everything alright To you I do not have to prove myself For you know me I love you How blessed I am that you are in my life How honoured I am to be a part of yours Memories made and shared With you the one I love My friend, my lover, my queen 'Til the end

No river's span is quite as vast
No mountain's reach so high.
No rose's scent is quite as sweet
As the love I hold inside.
Every time I see your face and
Every time you smile,
Every time I kiss your lips,
My love grows all the while
I’m the luckiest man to walk the earth
To know a love like yours
Loving is so easy now
You’ve opened my heart’s doors.
And I'll love you 'til my life has ceased
And still more with my soul
Because that fateful day we met,
My heart you forever stole.

I remember that day when all with the world was right
Everything seemed so very, very bright
As we travelled for hours along that winding road
Stopping here and there for photos to upload
The autumn colours as beautiful as a sunset
It was that very day our spirits finally met
In a place finally free from dark subdued light
Suddenly, we were finally shining so bright
A little overwhelming, I had said it could be
You needed to breath, take a break from me
And now you understand those dizzy thoughts
The ones you created with the love you brought
The love I hold finally to be shared
With my friend for whom my love has been bared
This love not to be hidden, but now open for all to see
My heart freely given, please take all of me
Your heart too my love you gave for me to hold
and it's safe, deep within my hearts stronghold
Forever to be cherished and nourished
For what a day it will be to see that heart flourish
Keep that smile upon your face my love
and those sparkling eyes keep them looking above
For those shooting stars that I'll send tonight
Will keep our love pure and shining throughout the dark night

You are my raft in the rapids of life You are my peace in the midst of strife You are the shore to a shipwrecked soul You are the bridge to a lifelong goal You are the finish of an olympic run You are the shine when there is no sun You are a rope when I start to fall You are my wife and you are my all.

Rohana,Syafie,Qasih,Qisrina And Syahizie :)

One Year Of Happiness

One year of holding hands One year of hugging, One year of laughing, One year of cuddling. One year of loving One year of kissing One year of touching One year of romancing. One year of your love One year of my love, One year of our love One year of true love. Baby one year with you Is a year of happiness, A year of passion, A year of joy, A year blessed.


i love this guy :)P im not gay ><,

Friday, June 15, 2012

Are You Angels?

For in you I’ve found
A love that is so right
It shines all around
With the brightest of light

It comes from somewhere
So deep within
That it has no beginning
And knows no end

Your love is a light
That brightens each day
Of all of the people
You see on your way

Where ever you go
Or whatever you do
All see the love
That you have inside you

That God sent you here
To a place where you’d be
Sharing such love
With someone like me

Is proof for me
That angels exist
And are filled with a love
That no man could resist

I thank God each day
For finding the time
For looking down on me
And making you mine

So yes there are Angels
In heaven above
I know because God
Sent me one to love

is you!

When I First Looked Into Your Eyes

When first I looked into your eyes
each breath became a thousand sighs.
My heart drummed out a thunder beat
I glowed with joy from head to feet.
The hand of love had touched my soul,
as the bell of destiny began to toll.
The tide of love began to rise,
the world was filled with summer skies.
My sodden clouds of cold and grey
glowed with gold, then wisped away.
A brilliant rainbow arched across,
as waves of love began to toss.
The air was filled with lovebird cries,
when I first looked into your eyes.

When I first looked into your eyes,
all time and space were paralyzed
And in that instant, I was shown
a universe I had never known.
I dwell there still, in Paradise,
when I look into your eyes.


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The day

Every morning starts beautifully
with the sound of your sweet voice from a phone call.
It's second best to actually embracing you in my arms,
under the covers that protect us from the chill that lies outside.
Your melodic wake-up laughter over the phone is second best
to the overwhelming smile I see in the morning,
when I hold you in my arms
after having spent another wonderful night with you.

Your "I Love You"s over the phone
always make me smile and hold the phone tighter,
second best to looking into your eyes with those words,
and being able to deeply kiss you afterwards,
sending a chilling warmth throughout our bodies.
But with you... you are my #1.

The closest person in the world to me.
With you, there is no second best.
There is no one close to even being "second" or "best".
I hold you, alone, in the most intimate place in my heart.
It's a place where I can feel you, still close, when you're far away.

Where I can close my eyes, and hear your voice,
listen to your laugh, and feel your "I Love You"s.
So please, keep calling me in the morning.
Cause second to your kisses,
theres no better alarm clock than your personalized ring.
No better way to begin the day than with you.

only you and me :)

Sometimes at night, when I look to the sky, I start thinking of you and then ask myself, why? Why do I love you? I think and smile, because I know the list could run on for miles. The whisper of your voice, the warmth of your touch, so many little things that make me love you so much. The way you support me, and help with my emotions, the way that you care and show such devotion. 

The way that your kiss, fills me with desire, and how you hold me with the warmth of a blazing fire. The way your eyes shine when you look at me, lost with you forever is where I want to be. The way that I feel when you're by my side, a sense of completion and overflowing pride. 

The dreams that I dream, that all involve you, the possibilities I see and the things we can do. How you finish the puzzle that lies inside my heart, how that deep in my soul, you are the most important part. I could go on for days, telling of what I feel, but all you really must know is my love for you is real.


I Will Love You Forever

I love you so deeply,
I love you so much,
I love the sound of your voice
And the way that we touch.
I love your warm smile
And your kind, thoughtful way,
The joy that you bring
To my life every day.
I love you today
As I have from the start,
And I'll love you forever
With all of my heart.

 Syafie and Rohanna 

Nonstop I| Dubstep

SKRILLEX REMIX - Avicii Levels | Dubstep dance

에프엑스_Electric Shock_Music Video

Forever love

Confess your kiss still knocks me off my legs. First time I saw you was like a punch right through my chest. Because I will forever be one you'll forever be my true heart broken pieces inside of me and you forever my baby. You will rest your head. Saving and wants your strength When you wake you will fly away holding tight to the legs of all your angels. Goodbye my love, into your blue blue blue blue eyes in your world. You're my baby blue. Confess not quite ready to be left.Still I know I did my level best. You give you give. I can attest to this. You made me. You and me forever baby.